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 Сообщение Добавлено: 22 июн 2010, 16:29 
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И еще - при проверке личности, не дай Бог, вдруг нет с собой документов - по сказанному номеру вас гораздо быстрей проверят, чем без ничего. Ведь гринку как и карточку с номером носить с собой не хочется, но выученные номера могут пригодится. Кстати, наверное во всех колледжах пароль личной страницы это последние 4 цифры номера? вот и легче уже запоминать :)

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во многих документах требуют SSN. Даже если просто звонишь в банк узнать свой счет просят ввести SSN.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 12:50 
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Полагаю данная локализация нижеприведенноgo уместна здесь.Если уже было,либо есть,то приношу извинения.Дайте знать,удалю. :a_plain
По ходу просмотрите месторасположения статей(на будущее :b_wink ) ;на обеих веб-страницах масса полезного "в законе" :c_laugh
Подумала не помешает нам.Копирую с линком на статью.

10 Tips to Succeed in the USCIS Marriage Interview

Jennie Barbara, a foreign national, and Robbie Nathan, a US citizen, have been married for about a year now. Robbie filed a relative petition for Jennie shortly after their marriage, and Jennie filed for adjustment of status. Despite the fact that everything is going very well in the marriage Jennie is becoming extremely overwrought because she has an appointment with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) next week for her marriage-based immigrant visa interview. Robbie and Jennie had heard that getting Jennie a green card based on the marriage would be easy. However, after filing the applications Jennie began hearing many horror stories from her friends who had gone through the process. With each new story and each passing day as her interview date came closer, she became more nervous and began to have sleepless nights. Jennie’s tensions and restlessness became a cause of worry for Robbie as he knew that this could create problems for her in the upcoming interview and could even plant a seed of suspicion in the mind of the USCIS officer interviewing them.

The “marriage interview,” which both of the partners are required to attend as part of the green card process, should not be presumed as simple and easy; it has the possibility of being a very grueling and painful event. You can take the stress and anxiety out of the situation through thorough preparation.

You can begin by gathering the documentation that you will need for the interview. The interview notice you received in the mail has an exhaustive list of the documents you will need to bring with you to the interview, follow it very carefully.

Robbie, realizing the seriousness of the situation, and taking into account his wife’s anxiety, sought the advice and help of an expert immigration attorney. The attorney eased Jennie’s tension and asked her to keep in mind ten simple things for being successful at the interview. And, to Jennie’s surprise, these ten simple tips really worked out best for her.

Последний раз редактировалось Лика 24 июн 2010, 13:07, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 12:51 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июн 2008, 22:22
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Откуда: USA
1. Always be on time for your interview: Never be late. USICS officers expect you to be on time for your immigration appointment. It is always advisable to arrive at least 45 minutes before your scheduled interview time. If you have an attorney, and you are nervous about the interview, or you have any kind of complication in your case, it is very important that you begin the interview only when your attorney is present.

It is important to know that all immigration offices are in secure facilities and you will not be allowed to bring certain items into the immigration building, generally including: cell phones with cameras, matches, lighters, any liquids, sharp objects, and pepper spray.

2. Dress formally and conservatively: The way you are dressed is the first thing that an USCIS officer will see and it makes an immediate impact on them. Therefore, you have to be careful about the clothes you wear on your interview. On the day of your immigration interview it is always advisable to dress formally, i.e., dress as if you are going to a job interview or to church. And remember that you will be entering a federal building and going through security and a metal detector.

3. Be well organized – listen and respond appropriately: The USCIS officer is only given a short amount of time to conduct an interview for each couple - usually only 10-15 minutes for a marriage-based immigrant visa interview. They are highly appreciative when you come to the interview properly organized and are not overly talkative. You should keep your answers short and to the point. If the officer needs more information, they will ask you another question. Do not let any periods of silence intimidate you. It is perfectly acceptable to sit quietly and wait for the next question. When you are asked a question, listen very carefully and answer the specific question. Nothing will fan the flames of an immigration officer’s suspicions more than an applicant who does not answer the questions asked.

Последний раз редактировалось Лика 24 июн 2010, 12:56, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 12:52 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июн 2008, 22:22
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Откуда: USA
4. Never guess on anything: The denial of many marriage-based immigrant visa cases have one thing in common: people’s attitude that they have to give an answer and guessing. One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is to guess when he or she does not know the answer to a particular question. Instead of guessing at an answer and getting it wrong it’s always advisable to say "I do not know" or "I don’t remember". Let’s look at an example: a husband during his interview was asked what he had given his wife for a gift on their first marriage anniversary. He could not remember what he bought her, but just to avoid embarrassment he told the officer that he bought her a gold ring. When his wife was asked what he had given her, she stated that he gave her beautiful dress. Because of the difference in the answers, the officer will begin to doubt that the marriage is real. Thus it is fine to say that you don’t remember instead of guessing the answer and going down the wrong road.

5. Nothing to memorize: Remember that there is nothing that you need to learn by heart for the interview. There are no specific test questions prescribed for the immigrant interview that you have to memorize. What we mean by this is if the officer asks what was the date when you last entered the U.S.? And you cannot remember you are allowed to look at your I-485 Form, Page 1, for the Date of Last Arrival. That’s it.

6. Reflect on the history of your relationship: During the interview the USCIS officer will ask you questions designed to highlight some of the grounds and history of your relationship; i.e., when did both of you first meet, when was your first date, what did you eat on your first date, etc. You should be able to present the circumstances under which you met your spouse and portray your journey from engagement to marriage. Remember it’s not a police interrogation; it’s only an inspection which everyone has to go through so you are not the exception.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 12:53 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июн 2008, 22:22
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Откуда: USA
7. Be prepared for ‘The wedding Game’: If the USCIS officer suspects that the marriage may not be real they may separate you and interview you individually. While not necessarily designed to be tricky the questions will trip up spouses that are not familiar with each other. In this case each spouse will be asked a series of questions about the another and their life together, ranging from "Where was your husband born?" to at times much more simple questions such as "What is your husband’s favorite pass time?" Your answers to these questions will be compared against those provided by your spouse to determine your level of familiarity. The USCIS officials’ goal is to verify whether or not you and your spouse are indeed living together in an intimate relationship. Remember to pay attention to the details of your living arrangements before the interview period. You may also want to quiz each other on your respective personal information.

8. Be what you are: The USCIS officials are trained to, and have experience at, analyzing body language and interactions between a couple. They are constantly looking for signs that suggest the two of you are not comfortable together, as it happens in most of the “sham or green card marriages" where the two people are in no way involved in an intimate relationship. In an attempt to show that they are married some couples show too much affection, which may appear forced and unnatural, and at the opposite end of the scale some have no interaction at all. You should neither show disparity nor do you need to show too much of affection, just behave as you both always do Be calm and relaxed. A simple sense of togetherness and mutual concern is what wins in the end.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 12:54 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июн 2008, 22:22
Сообщения: 238
Откуда: USA
9. Be prepared with the proper documents: Carry a set of original documents and a complete set of duplicate copies that you can give to the USCIS officer. You are expected to provide certain documentation to prove the validity of your marriage. The documents requested include, but are not limited to, wedding invitations, wedding photographs, birth certificates of any children you may have together, property leases with both names featured, photographs of special occasions spent together, joint bank account statements, and other joint financial documents.

10. Seek the assistance of an expert: If you are worried, have special circumstances, or just want peace of mind, it is worth spending few dollars to seek help from an expert immigration attorney to steer you through the whole process. There is a lot riding on the approval of your petition and it is not unheard of for those with genuine marriages to have their case denied as a result of being unprepared. The old proverb ‘if you fail to prepare, then be prepared to fail’ applies in this situation. The USCIS authorities do not take these inspections lightly and neither should you. They will conduct in depth background checks on the US citizen as well as the foreign national and will be ready for the interview. The guidance of an expert immigration attorney backing you at every step of the proceeding can certainly make the difference between residence granted and residence denied.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 12:55 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июн 2008, 22:22
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Откуда: USA

It is estimated that each year 450,000 US citizens marry foreign nationals, out of which it is assumed that a certain percentage is for immigration purposes only. The authorities at the USCIS, however, are prepared for this often-abused strategy and do not make it an effortless process.

Thus we can see that Jennie’s worries about the interview are not without basis as the major aspect of the inspection process before being granted the marriage-based immigrant visa is the interview. Your fate will be decided by the USCIS officer that is interviewing you. The purpose of the interviewing officer is to ascertain the couple’s true intention behind the marriage. It is the job of the married couple to prove they did not marry for the immigration benefits alone.

The above are a few key points that could ease Jennie’s tensions and nervousness. These are some of the things that you need to keep in mind when “preparing” for your interview. Sometimes it happens that we pay so much attention to certain things that we forget the simple things which too hold the power to change our lives and fortunes. Always remember that ‘a small thing can make a big change.’ So be friendly, smile, make eye contact, shake hands, listen to the whole question – don’t interrupt or try to anticipate the question, and everything should be fine.

The above article is brought to you by VisaPro.com. VisaPro’s Services include K-1 Visa, K-3, Adjustment of Status, Green Card, and over 100 Immigration Services. The information in this article is not intended to be legal advice. If you have questions specific to your case, you can have a Consultation with our experienced immigration attorneys.


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 13:02 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июн 2008, 22:22
Сообщения: 238
Откуда: USA
Другая статья на аналогичную тематику.Копирую с ссылкой.

Immigration Interview Do's and Don'ts

Many, but not all, immigration procedures require an interview with an official from the Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Being prepared and not arousing suspicion will make the USCIS interview as pleasant as possible. The tenor of each interview will depend on the personality of the USCIS official with whom you meet, so it is almost impossible to be entirely prepared. It is important to remember, however, that it is the USCIS official's job to determine whether there is anything about your background or present circumstances that preclude you from obtaining the immigration status you desire -- the officer does not have anything against you personally.


DO prepare for the meeting. Bring copies all of your forms and all your document originals. You should be able to respond to questions about your forms without extensive referencing and confusion.

DO be prepared to answer personal questions if you are at an interview related to your marriage to a U.S. citizen.

DO follow the directions of the USCIS officer. If the officer wants to interview you and your spouse separately, that is perfectly appropriate.

DO listen carefully and answer only the question that the officer asks you.

DO bring an interpreter with you if you do not understand English.

DO dress appropriately for the occasion. This is an important meeting for you, and a good impression can't hurt.

DO remain calm. If you don't understand the question, ask the officer to rephrase it. If you really do not know the answer to a question, it is better to admit ignorance than make something up. It also helps to be prepared. If you know there is a part of your application that will raise suspicion, practice a truthful response.

DO show up on time. USCIS officers are notoriously difficult to reach and requests for changes in interview times are not well received. If you fail to show up for your appointment, you may have to endure a lengthy process to get another interview.

DO hire an attorney to accompany you if the thought of going through an interview alone is too overwhelming.

Последний раз редактировалось Лика 24 июн 2010, 13:05, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).

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 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 июн 2010, 13:03 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июн 2008, 22:22
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Откуда: USA

DON'T joke around with the USCIS officer. In particular, avoid joking or sarcasm related to drug dealing, communicable diseases, bigamy, or smuggling people into the country.

DON'T argue with your spouse or other family members in the middle of an interview. Agree before hand on what you will do if a disagreement arises during the interview.

DON'T argue with the USCIS officer. If the USCIS officer says part of your application is incomplete, ask for an explanation and attempt to remedy the situation by using the documents and forms you have brought with you.

DON'T lose your patience with the USCIS officer and refuse to answer questions. Questions that may seem inappropriate or unimportant to you are probably within the boundaries of what is allowed by USCIS policy. Just remember what the pay off is for going through with the interview.

DON'T lie to the USCIS officer. If you feel you have something that would be difficult to explain, hire an attorney. Your attorney should be able to defuse difficult situations during an interview.

http://immigration.findlaw.com/immigrat ... rview.html

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 06 июл 2010, 15:18 
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Тут была где-то ета тема, но я вот опять спрашиваю. Мой муж где-то потерял свидетельство о рождении, а на интервью требуют. Может что-то посоветуете?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 06 июл 2010, 21:47 
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Богиня Мудрости
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Зарегистрирован: 20 фев 2009, 01:30
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Откуда: Desperate Housewife from Fairview, Eagle State
Киcонька писал(а):
Тут была где-то ета тема, но я вот опять спрашиваю. Мой муж где-то потерял свидетельство о рождении, а на интервью требуют. Может что-то посоветуете?

У нас не спросили, хотя мы его заказывали специально для интервью
по почте из другого штата. И вроде как почти ни у кого не
спрашивают. Паспорт - уже достаточное доказательство гражданства

Продам дрова - недавно наломала.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 07 июл 2010, 05:56 
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Богиня Мудрости
Богиня Мудрости
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Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2008, 09:21
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Откуда: Murmansk,RU - Kherson,UA - Sevastopol,RU - Michigan - Florida
Киcонька писал(а):
Тут была где-то ета тема, но я вот опять спрашиваю. Мой муж где-то потерял свидетельство о рождении, а на интервью требуют. Может что-то посоветуете?

Советую все доки ксерить, еще лучше - сканировать и хранить в электронном виде. В любой момент можно распечатать. А в вашем случае надеяться, что не спросят свидетельство - не каждый раз это просят, и действительно может оказатсья достаточно паспорта.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 07 июл 2010, 07:06 
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lovelyannie, Ирина72
Спасибо девочки :d_thanx , буду тоже на ето надеяться. Ведь американский паспорт намного важнее, чем русское свидетельство о рождении :a_plain . МНе так кажется, во всяком случае

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Вопросы о подготовке к интервью на грин-карт
 Сообщение Добавлено: 07 июл 2010, 13:46 
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Богиня Мудрости
Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 07 авг 2007, 12:56
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Откуда: Jacksonville, FL
Нам тоже пришло приглашение. Пойдем 9 августа с мужем. Придется с собой самое главное доказательство принести - сыночка нашего. Не с кем оставить, а кого то левых просить не хочу.
У нас хоть и самый что ни на есть настоящий брак, а все равно переживаю.

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