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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 22 фев 2024, 23:58 
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Богиня Мудрости
Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
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Откуда: Ca
Strawberry писал(а):
Проблемы в Англии, послушайте Edward Dowd об excess death в США и в Англии начавшиеся в период с 2021го по 2023ий, а также рост disability в этот же период.Конечно все это списывают на long covid, но все умалчивают о массовой вакцинации начавшейся в 2021.

Record long-term sickness bodes ill for UK economic growth


Спасибо :angel

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 23 фев 2024, 07:19 
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Если вспомнить почему во время пандемии если у пациента симптомы ковида врачи говорили сидеть дома и практически не принимать никакие медикаменты, госпиталя отказывали даже в простом ибупрофене. Оказывается вот почему:

Because there is a little-known federal law that says if there is an existing drug that has been approved for any purpose that is demonstrated effective against the target illness, it is illegal to grant an emergency use authorization for a vaccine for that disease.”

Let's go Brandon!
Попробуйте лечить СПИД грязевыми ваннами. Помочь не поможет, но к земле привыкните.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 23 фев 2024, 17:59 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2004, 20:29
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:c_laugh Это старый фейк:


False. There is nothing in federal law or regulation that prohibits a preventative measure such as a vaccine from being authorized for emergency use because a treatment is available

Читать написанное транслитом - все равно, что читать написанное говном на стене: вроде все понятно, но все равно неприятно! :-)

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 23 фев 2024, 23:43 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
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Истории родителей потерявших детей после прививок .

На форуме с 2010 .

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 23 фев 2024, 23:44 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
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Откуда: Ca
Ryan Thomas Johnson
July 16, 2010 - October 31, 2011

“All I ask is listen to our story. Whether you’re pro or anti, listen to what happened…and listen to your gut.
​Take Ryan’s story…like I said, I’m a real dad. I’m not made up and neither is his story."
Click here for more photos and to read Ryan's story on the
​Circle of Mamas website.
Ryan's Story . . . as shared at Vaccine-Injury.info

​Ryan Johnson from Nashua, NH died on October 31, 2011 following his routine vaccines at age 15 months. His parents still grieve. They always will. And in the midst of their grief they have to put up with other's negative comments about protecting their new son, Drew from vaccine death.
Words from Ryan's dad:

"Willing to bet any of you that are complaining about unvaccinated children would feel totally different if you were in our shoes.

"How about getting a call from your wife hysterically saying your son was found dead?

"How about being the first one to arrive at the hospital just to be told they are doing the best they can for your little boy?

"How would you feel going in the room while they were working on his lifeless body while you were holding his hand telling him to please come through this?

"How would you feel if you have to make a decision when to stop resuscitation on your little boy's life?

"How would you like to hold your son's dead body in your arms to sing him his favorite lullabies one last time before they bring him for an autopsy to butcher his little innocent body?

"How would you feel the next day while you were picking out his little casket and the Medical Examiner called you to tell you that physically he has been one of the healthiest looking specimens she has ever worked on?

"How would you feel when 7 months later you are told that they cannot find a reason why your son died?

"How would you like to live everyday knowing these facts?

"Your healthy baby boy who was never sick and never had any infections of any kind is now dead, less than 72 hours after receiving 6 vaccines.

"And again, other than that there are no facts. Except that no cause of death was found in his autopsy.

"Now put yourself in our shoes and tell me you wouldn't feel differently.

"I really hope none of you have to go through what we have been going through."
Words from Ryan's mom:

"It took 11 months to get pregnant. Ryan was a happy baby even laughing out loud at 2 weeks old. On Friday, October 28th he had his 15-month check up and received 4 shots the DTaP, HIB, flu and pneumococcal conjugate, he cried like crazy. That night he was cranky but slept through the night. The next day he was ok but it seemed that his leg was hurting I didn't think anything of it.

"On October 31st, 3 days days later it was a normal morning I took him to day care. I dropped him off and he didn't seem himself and even the babysitter noticed. I got a call around 2:40 it was the babysitter saying "Ryan is dead" she kept saying it. I thought it was a joke but it was a nightmare. I rushed to the hospital. Our babysitter had put him in a car seat so he was sitting up so he could take a nap but when she went back to check on him his eyes were rolled back in his head, she said she started CPR on him. At the hospital they worked on him for an hour but we had to make the decision to stop CPR as there was no chance for him at this point so October 31,2011 at 4:20 pm Ryan Thomas Johnson, 15-months old passed away.

"That was just the beginning we had to go to the police station after the hospital to be questioned. I knew in my heart our babysitter did everything she could for Ryan. We still have a great relationship and she takes care of Ryan's Brother Drew.

"It took 4 months to get results on Ryan but it came back as SUDC (sudden unexplained death of a child) the medical examiner said he was a healthy baby so why did Ryan die if he was healthy. Ryan Thomas died 3 days after his vaccinations, which is when the post inflammatory response is most robust after vaccinations. The what ifs - what if I didn't give him the shots that day would he still be here with us? I trusted my doctor and they said it's rare to have reaction. Educate BEFORE you vaccinate." ​

Источник ; https://www.vaccinechoiceprayercommunity.org/ryans-story.html?fbclid=IwAR2q_IZh5qRA1sE9F1W2m330lzsaCeJsnYTkf_skKs-0Y4ibsU49WQL0Ues_aem_AUs4Sn491Qk75iS-itVF-pvf4SPpq4yva8sfPQMdjwTMkvGBzJGSBY4YsvbvjfqLDKw

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 00:03 
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Богиня Мудрости
Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
Сообщения: 4679
Откуда: Ca
Shared by her mother.

Rachel’s daughter, Rory Kay Moyer, died March 4th, 2019. Rory went to her well-child check-up and was given a complete bill of health, and then received “passed due” shots at 9 1/2 months old on a Wednesday, and passed away just a few days later, in her mother’s arms.

Rory showed signs similar to teething, so Rachel thought she was getting more teeth in. She wasn’t herself.

She still has not received a death certificate after 5 months but coroner told her that they found nothing, autopsy results were undetermined. It was actually the detectives who asked her if Rory had just received her shots recently during questioning, that made her start to think. Pediatrician did not deny it either, she told her that “it does happen”. This family is from Pennsylvania.

Rest in Peace sweet baby girl – Rory Kay Moyer – May 17th, 2018 – March 4th, 2019


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 00:07 
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Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
Сообщения: 4679
Откуда: Ca
Emily Rose’s Story

March 21, 2020
Shared with permission from her mama Nicola Hogan.

“I saw your post, my daughter passed away 11 weeks ago after being given the 6-in-1 [hexavalent vaccine], the pcv, the men b, and the rotavirus! She died from pneumonia after they injected it into her in the pcv injection! My baby had no symptoms no sickness she passed in her sleep they are killing our babies I’m so heartbroken.

Emily Rose had her vaccinations exactly 4 weeks before she passed. I asked my doctor if it was possible if Emily could have passed over the vaccine he told me no no definitely not but I was looking stuff up online myself and a friend told me look for the insert of the pcv vaccine and it does say deaths happened from the vaccine.

I truly, truly believe Emily passed away over the vaccine she was perfectly healthy I fed her at 3:30 am the bottle was gone 4 am before I got her back to sleep she happily went to sleep and was cold by 6:10 am.

I don’t see how it is possible for a baby to be dying from pneumonia to be as happy and content as she was. Also the coroner used the words ‘an unidentifiable virus’ so they’re calling it a viral infection and hypoxemia but won’t identify the virus.”


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На форуме с 2010 .
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 00:12 
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Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
Сообщения: 4679
Откуда: Ca
Тысячи малышей умирают в течении 3 суток после серии прививок .
Всем детям ставят СДВС.

В инструкции к детским прививкам указана одна из побочек , это синдром детской внезапной смерти.
Зашибись родители защитили детей, убив их своим невежеством.
Очень жаль деток и семьи конечно.
Но все нужно самостоятельно изучать.

Источник ; https://www.fda.gov/media/75157/download

Manufacturer-listed adverse reactions:

DTAP (Infanrix) can cause Encephalopathy, Syncope (fainting), Cellulitis, Bronchitis, Lymphadenopathy, Thrombocytopenia, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Anaphylactic reaction, Hypersensitivity, Hypotonia (floppy infant syndrome), Respiratory tract infection, Ear pain, Cyanosis (blue skin), Apnea, Angioedema (swelling), Erythema, Pruritus (chronic itching), Urticaria (hives).

На форуме с 2010 .

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 00:14 
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Богиня Мудрости
Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
Сообщения: 4679
Откуда: Ca
Было установлено , что СДВС случается исключительно с привитыми детьми, и в первые трое суток после прививок .
70% СВДС бывает в течении 72 часа после прививок.

На форуме с 2010 .

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 00:20 
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Богиня Мудрости
Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
Сообщения: 4679
Откуда: Ca
Вот сколько невинных душ, убивают обычные прививки.

Когда американский медицинский журналист Del Matthew Bigtree, спросил директора CDC, вы же знаете, что прививки убивают детей.
Вы знаете точную цифру сколько детей убивают ежегодно прививки?
Она сказала, да я знаю, но это «ожидаемые потери».
Чтобы спасать миллионы детей, нужно иметь эти «ожидаемые потери», ;вот такие были её слова журналисту.

Кто-нибудь из нас хочет , чтобы ваш ребёнок стал «ожидаемыми потерями» от прививок?
Чтобы спасать миллионы.
Я – нет.

Меня интересует исключительно здоровье МОИХ ДЕТЕЙ.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 07:56 
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Зарегистрирован: 10 фев 2024, 17:44
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Меня интересует исключительно здоровье МОИХ ДЕТЕЙ.

Это игра в рулетку. Ваши дети не заговоренные, легко могут подхватить любую из смертельных инфекций из воздуха или в детсаду/школе.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 08:02 
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Зарегистрирован: 18 май 2018, 00:37
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Откуда: "Новая Москва" Пименов
Amalia_Ca писал(а):
Dekabr писал(а):
Я все сказала, спорить не буду...

Я поняла :a_plain
Ты убежденная запри.
С ними спорить тяжело.
У них только одна точка зрения- прививки и точка.

Поэтому да, бесполезно.
У тебя свое мнение у меня свое )

Та пофиг), у каждого своя картина мира.

А спорить -это бесполезная и стопроцентная потеря времени. )

Россия без каждого из нас обойтись может. Но никто из нас не может
обойтись без России.
Иван С. Тургенев

"Радость -есть особая мудрость"
Письма Е. И. Рерих 1929 - 1939. Том 2. письмо от 7. 5. 38.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 09:00 
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Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
Сообщения: 4679
Откуда: Ca
Bonaventura писал(а):
Меня интересует исключительно здоровье МОИХ ДЕТЕЙ.

Это игра в рулетку. Ваши дети не заговоренные, легко могут подхватить любую из смертельных инфекций из воздуха или в детсаду/школе.

Ali’s Story

March 25, 2019
Ali was a vibrant and healthy little girl. Living blissfully in Sydney with her parents, with so much life ahead of her.

Sadly, her life was cut short by vaccines.

On the 4th of November 2017, Ali received the MMRV and a Dtap shot. Shortly thereafter, Ali lost her appetite, started sleeping a lot, became very clingy, stopped playing as she normally would, and developed a strange “acidic” smell to her breath.

Seven days post injection, on the 11th of November, Ali had her first intractable seizure.

The seizures did not subside, Ali remained in hospital for 4 months and her condition worsened. Here, she suffered terribly at the hands of cruel, emotionally detached medical staff. Who threatened legal action against Ali’s parents for challenging them and defending Ali’s right to live, If they did not agree to comfort care (morphine until death).

They refused to give little Ali any pain relief while she was intubated. Senior members of this medical establishment (mafia, for better use of the word) forced her parents hands.

Ali devastatingly passed away in her mothers arms on the 26th of March, 2018. Needlessly and painfully.

When they pushed for a report to be filed and questioned the vaccine reaction further, their neurologist never responded and their GP asked them to leave their clinic. Can you imagine treating grieving parents this way?

This is the dark side of vaccination in Australia, that aggressively ignorant pro vaccine Facebook warriors refuse to look at.

This is the dark side that I and many others shine a light on.

This is reality.

It’s sad, so very sad, to see so many children suffering while their parents continue to ignore the signs of deterioration. Absolutely devastating.

Passive aggressive arrogance does nothing for our reality, our experience and our choices.

We will never, ever, ever let another vaccine go anywhere near our children, because we refuse to play Russian roulette with their lives.

We will be a voice for parents like Rajni and Patrick until our final days, that much is certain. There is not a single, tiny, smidgeon of a f**k that I have to give people who do not understand that.

Without screening for gene mutations and mitochondrial dysfunction at the very least, vaccines will continue to do more harm than good. Especially with the ever increasing vaccine schedule.

Return liability for harm to manufacturers of vaccines, and watch them scurry to make them safer. This isn’t good enough .

Rest In Peace Ali. Rajni and Patrick, we are eternally so, so sorry for your loss and will be thinking of you with so much love on this upcoming anniversary #rememberali

Источник https://circleofmamas.com/vaccine-injury-stories/alis-story/?fbclid=IwAR3Ao6E9Rs2GJ5S03Lnz7rzprOWTvZXxkQ0RssggIwUu22YdZ091J8wU4rw

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На форуме с 2010 .
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 09:02 
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Богиня Мудрости
Богиня Мудрости

Зарегистрирован: 28 май 2018, 16:36
Сообщения: 4679
Откуда: Ca
Dekabr писал(а):
Amalia_Ca писал(а):
Dekabr писал(а):
Я все сказала, спорить не буду...

Я поняла :a_plain
Ты убежденная запри.
С ними спорить тяжело.
У них только одна точка зрения- прививки и точка.

Поэтому да, бесполезно.
У тебя свое мнение у меня свое )

Та пофиг), у каждого своя картина мира.

А спорить -это бесполезная и стопроцентная потеря времени. )


На форуме с 2010 .

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Ну что привитые , уже словили побочку от прививок ковидн
 Сообщение Добавлено: 24 фев 2024, 10:23 
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Зарегистрирован: 10 фев 2024, 17:44
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This is reality.

Для кого-то и плоская земля--реальность. И ведь в обратном не убедишь, хоть в космос отправь. Своим же глазам не поверят.

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